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New posts in language-design

Why can't I use an array index on the return value of a function? [closed]

Why is the string literal considered a primitive type in JavaScript?

Could we have Polymorphism without forcing classes to implement an interface?

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whats the difference between a command and a statement

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What features would you like to see in a game programming DSL?

First Steps with DSL on Java?

java language-design

Is whitespace optional in SQL queries?

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Static mutex analysis

How can I create a language like PHP and how does it work? [closed]

Comparing all elements of two tuples (with all() functionality)

Why can't local variable be used in GNU C basic inline asm statements?

Why Java can take multiple parameters but can return only a single object?

Why not a memberinfo() reflection function for C# [duplicate]

Why JavaScript reserves Java keywords?

Why there is no sleep functionality in javascript when there is setTimeout and setInterval?

How can a language be interpreted by itself (like Rubinius)?

Difference between if as an expression and if as a statement

Is there any object-oriented static typed language with variables with few types?

C99 - why are false and true defined as 0 and 1 and not as ((bool)0) and ((bool)1)?

c language-design c99 boolean

Why did python choose commas over parenthesis in tuple design?