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Which language idioms/paradigms/features make it hard to add support for "type providers"?

F# 3.0 has added type providers.

I wonder if it is possible to add this language feature to other languages running on the CLR like C# or if this feature only works well in a more functional/less OO programming style?

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soc Avatar asked Sep 15 '11 09:09


1 Answers

As Tomas says, it is theoretically straightforward to add this kind of feature to any statically-typed language (though still a lot of grunt-work).

I am not a meta-programming expert, but @SK-logic asks why not a general compile-time meta-programming system instead, and I shall try to answer. I don't think you can easily achieve what you can do with F# type providers using meta-programming, because F# type providers can be lazy and dynamically interactive at design-time. Let's give an example that Don has demo-ed in one of his earlier videos: a Freebase type provider. Freebase is kind of like a schematized, programmable wikipedia, it has data on everything. So you can end up writing code along the lines of

for e in Freebase.Science.``Chemical Elements`` do
    printfn "%d: %s - %s" e.``Atomic number`` e.Name e.Discoverer.Name

or whatnot (I don't have the exact code offhand), but just as easily write code that gets information about baseball statistics, or when famous actors have been in drug rehab facilities, or a zillion other types of information available through Freebase.

From an implementation point-of-view, it is infeasible to generate a schema for all of Freebase and bring it into .NET a-priori; you can't just do one compile-time step at the beginning to set all this up. You can do this for small data sources, and in fact many other type providers use this strategy, e.g. a SQL type provider gets pointed at a database, and generates .NET types for all the types in that database. But this strategy does not work for large cloud data stores like Freebase, because there are too many interrelated types (if you tried to generate .NET metadata for all of Freebase, you'd find that there are so many millions of types (one of which is ChemicalElement with AtomicNumber and Discoverer and Name and many other fields, but there are literally millions of such types) that you need more memory than is available to a 32-bit .NET process just to represent the entire type schema.

So the F# type-provider strategy is an API architecture that allows type providers to supply information on-demand, running at design-time within the IDE. Until you type e.g. Freebase.Science., the type provider does not need to know about the entities under the science categories, but once you do press . after Science, then the type provider can go and query the APIs to learn one-more-level of the overall schema, to know what categories exist under Science, one of which is ChemicalElements. And then as you try to "dot into" one of those, it will discover that elements have atomic numbers and what-not. So the type provider lazily fetches just enough of the overall schema to deal with the exact code the user happens to be typing into the editor at that moment in time. As a result, the user still has the freedom to explore any part of the universe of information, but any one source code file or interactive session will only explore a tiny fraction of what is available. When it comes time to compile/codegen, the compiler need only generate enough code to accomodate exactly the bits that the user has actually used in his code, rather than the potentially huge runtime bits to afford the possibility of talking to the whole data store.

(Maybe you can do that with some of today's meta-programming facilities now, I don't know, but the ones I learned about in school a long while back could not have easily handled this.)

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Brian Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10
