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Serialize List<T> into google charts json datatable

I'm looking for a generic way of serializing a List of objects into the google charts json data format.

This example is quite close, but it's using a datatable..

I expect this would involve some reflection and some maybe attrbutes on the model properties. Can anyone point me to a library or something?

Even better would be if I could serialize a query like this into the google charts format:

var results = from m in be.cmsMember
      where m.FirstLogin != null
      && m.FirstLogin >= BitCoinGoLive
      group m by

      new { Year = m.FirstLogin.Value.Year, Month = m.FirstLogin.Value.Month, Day =           m.FirstLogin.Value.Day } into grp
      select new
                              Year = grp.Key.Year,
                              Month = grp.Key.Month,
                              Day = grp.Key.Day,
                              Count = grp.Count()
like image 859
AyKarsi Avatar asked May 27 '11 07:05


People also ask

How do I add data to a Google chart?

Double-click the chart you want to change. At the right, click Setup. Select the cells you want to include in your chart. Optional: To add more data to the chart, click Add another range.

What is arrayToDataTable?

arrayToDataTable()This helper function creates and populates a DataTable using a single call. Advantages: Very simple and readable code executed in the browser. You can either explicitly specify the data type of each column, or let Google Charts infer the type from the data passed in.

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Use noData() method to enable "No data" label: chart. noData().

2 Answers

I would create my own class hierarchy that matches Google's API and then use JSON.NET to serialize it. The possible data model:

public class Graph {
    public ColInfo[] cols { get; set; }
    public DataPointSet[] rows { get; set; }
    public Dictionary<string, string> p { get; set; }

public class ColInfo {
    public string id { get; set; }
    public string label { get; set; }
    public string type { get; set; }

public class DataPointSet {
    public DataPoint[] c { get; set; }

public class DataPoint {
    public string v { get; set; } // value
    public string f { get; set; } // format

Then an example usage:

var graph = new Graph {
    cols = new ColInfo[] {
        new ColInfo { id = "A", label = "set A", type = "string" },
        new ColInfo { id = "B", label = "set B", type = "string" },
        new ColInfo { id = "C", label = "set C", type = "string" }
    rows = new DataPointSet[] {
        new DataPointSet {
            c = new DataPoint[] {
                new DataPoint { v = "a" },
                new DataPoint { v = "b", f = "One" }
    p = new Dictionary<string, string>()

string json;
//var s = new JsonSerializer();
var s = new JavaScriptSerializer();
/*using (var sw = new StringWriter()) {
    s.Serialize(sw, graph);
    json = sw.ToString();
var sw = new StringBuilder();
s.Serialize(graph, sw);
json = sw.ToString();

You can use Linq's Select() to transform your data into Google's data model, then serialize it to JSON.

like image 144
emfurry Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09


Here's a full working funciton which also works with anonymous types.

Carefull with dates though: these need to parsed on the client as well:e.g.

for (var i = 0; i < data.rows.length;i++ ) {
   data.rows[i].c[0].v = new Date(data.rows[i].c[0].v);

private string getGetJsonString<T>(IEnumerable<dynamic> list, dynamic row) {

    string header = "{\"cols\":[";
    PropertyInfo[] props = row.GetType().GetProperties();
    foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)

        header += "{\"id\":\"" + p.Name + "\", \"label\":\"" + p.Name + "\",";
        switch (p.PropertyType.Name)
            case "Int32":
                header += "\"type\":\"number\"";
            case "DateTime":
                header += "\"type\":\"date\"";
                header += "\"type\":\"string\"";
        header += "},";
    header = header.Substring(0, header.Length - 1);
    header += "]";

    StringBuilder json = new StringBuilder();
    json.Append(header + ",\"rows\":[");

    bool first = true;
    foreach (dynamic a in list)
        string jRow = "{\"c\":[";
        if (first)
            first = false;                    
            jRow = "," + jRow;

        foreach (PropertyInfo p in props)

            // todo get other fieldtypes from http://code.google.com/apis/chart/interactive/docs/reference.html#dataparam
            switch (p.PropertyType.Name)
                case "Int32":
                    jRow += "{\"v\":";
                    jRow += p.GetValue(a,null).ToString();
                    jRow += "},";
                case "DateTime":
                    jRow += "{\"v\":\"";
                    DateTime d = ((DateTime)p.GetValue(a, null));
                    //jRow += d.DayOfYear;
                    //jRow += "\\/Date("+d.Ticks+")\\/";
                    jRow += d.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                    //jRow += "new Date(" + d.Ticks+ ")";
                    jRow += "\"},";
                    jRow += "{\"v\":\"";
                    jRow += p.GetValue(a,null).ToString();
                    jRow += "\"},";

        jRow = jRow.Substring(0, jRow.Length - 1);
        json.Append(jRow + "]}");


    return json.ToString() ;
like image 28
AyKarsi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
