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New posts in language-design

Why were namespaces removed from ECMAScript consideration?

heap handling in a bison push pure parser

Java generics - inferring nested type

How to understand whether a behvior will use static or dynamic binding in Java?

java language-design

Why doesn't Array override the triple equal sign method in Ruby?

Why wouldn't I make every eligable Kotlin class a data class?

kotlin language-design

What is the use of field initialisers in .NET(apart from readability)?

.net language-design

Design pattern as (missing) language feature

Designing an intermediate representation for a compiler

Adding a function in LLVM (haskell bindings) when the number of parameters is not known at compile time

Describing operator precedence using EBNF

Scheme core language specification

ruby blocks not first-class

Is it possible to add keyword to C# or VB.NET?

Why does CMake syntax have redundant parentheses everywhere?

c# hide Attribute in derived Class

Is scala.Singleton pure compiler fiction?

Differences when overriding inherited constructor fields?

What are the arguments both for and against both name equivalence and structural equivalence?

Where to start if I want to understand how compilers and programming languages are made [duplicate]