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Is scala.Singleton pure compiler fiction?

The Scala Language Specification says under §3.2.1:

A stable type is either a singleton type or a type which is declared to be a subtype of trait scala.Singleton.

I couldn't find scala.Singleton neither in the sources, in ScalaDoc nor in the binary jar file.

Trying on the REPL results in:

scala> class Foo extends Singleton
<console>:9: error: illegal inheritance from final trait Singleton
       class Foo extends Singleton
<console>:9: error: illegal inheritance; superclass Any
 is not a subclass of the superclass Object
 of the mixin trait ScalaObject
       class Foo extends Singleton

Where does scala.Singelton live and what's its purpose?

like image 796
soc Avatar asked May 24 '11 23:05


1 Answers

Finally found something on this:

The type Singleton is essentially an encoding trick for existentials with values. I.e.

T forSome { val x: T } 

is turned into

[x.type := X] T forSome { type X <:T with Singleton } 

Source: http://scala-programming-language.1934581.n4.nabble.com/scala-Singleton-td1940630.html

like image 161
onteria_ Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
