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What purpose does the pre-increment operator serve in C? [duplicate]

c++ c language-design

Why is the scope of if and delegates this way in c#

c# language-design

How are classes implemented in compilers

Why is there an escape sequence for VERTICAL TAB?

Are there any more elegant ways of handling lists in Java ? (Python VS Java)

Parsing challenge: Old logician's dot notation

Why do you have to 'import' Python Standard Library functions? [closed]

What are the Practical Differences Between "associate" and "indexed" Arrays in PHP?

Convergence of Mathematics and Programming Languages

What is the relation between syntax sugar, laziness and list elements accessed by index in Haskell?

Programming Language Properties that facilitate refactoring?

What case is better?

What are some highly-regarded books on (modern or historic) programming language design?

Typed FP: Tuple Arguments and Curriable Arguments

Is C++ considered a Von Neumann programming language?

Why was no intrinsic access to the CPU's status register in the design of both C and C++?

c++ c language-design

How should substring() work?

Why do C programs keep saying 'struct' every time they refer to one?

Why is a const variable available within a static method?

Are preprocessors obsolete in modern languages?