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New posts in language-design

Writing a mini-language

.net language-design

Why do Pascal control structures appear to be inconsistent?

Any reason for having "val capacity : Int" instead of "val Int Capacity" in Scala

Would it make sense to have a 'constify' operation in C++?

Why do programming languages not allow spaces in identifiers?

How does a register machine differ from a stack machine? [duplicate]

why does Ruby throw warnings for private attributes

What are the strategies to support/integrate units of measurements in languages?

Arrays as separate type

Are XML/HTML tag names inside closing tags really necessary?

xml tags language-design

Data structure for storing variables in an interpreted language

Understanding traits in Kotlin

Should References in Object-Oriented Programming Languages be Non-Nullable by Default? [closed]

Generating intermediate code in a compiler. Is an AST or parse tree always necessary when dealing with conditionals?

Any reason why Java shouldn't allow generic type declarations on a variable declaration?

Why does OCaml use exceptions instead of representing errors with Sum Types?

ocaml language-design

Why does Forth use IF statement THEN ... instead of ENDIF? [closed]

What is a good VM for developing a hobby language?

languages that always had triple equals

What is the reason behind the following C char array storage implementation?

c language-design