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How can I get rid of this osascript output?

macos bash terminal osascript

How to close a Terminal tab using AppleScript?

applescript osascript

App giving "cant open .app because classic environment is not supported" on other macs but works fine on my own [closed]

macos bash osascript platypus

What does ${1-1} in bash mean?

bash osascript

AppleScript Runner exit status passed back to shell script

Mac - List opened windows in terminal

macos applescript osascript

How to get POSIX path of the current script's folder in JavaScript for Automation?

How to hide a password from a prompted osascript dialogue from a Mac/UNIX Shell Script

Strange error running osascript -e [command] on macOS Mojave

What is a good VM for developing a hobby language?

Applescript–execute multi line code

Send group iMessage using applescript

Applescript (osascript): opening split panes in iTerm 2 and performing commands

Pass in variable from shell script to applescript

How do I simulate a mouse click through the mac terminal?

macos terminal osascript

osascript / syntax error: Expected end of line but found command name. (-2741)

osascript using bash variable with a space

How to check in AppleScript if an app is running, without launching it - via osascript utility