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New posts in language-design

Why was the swap operator proposal shot down?

c++ swap language-design

Why does Rust put a :: before the parameters in generics sometimes?

Can I define a pointer in julia?

Is it possible to implement F#'s infrastructure for Units of Measurement in Scala?

Could operator overloading have worked without references?

What's Int.MaxValue between friends?

scala jvm language-design

Javascript apparent madness [duplicate]

Why doesn't a swap / exchange operator exist in imperative or OO languages like C/C++/C#/Java...?

Why does PHP's call_user_func() function not support passing by reference?

What is necessary from a language implementation point of view to implement type providers like in F# 3.0?

Is it possible to build Lisp-like macros into an imperative language?

Why can't overloading be implemented at excecution time?

Why does Haskell use -> instead of =?

haskell language-design

Why doesn't ORACLE allow consecutive newline characters in commands?

Uses for Dynamic Languages

What is the reasoning for C# not supporting optional/default arguments?

c# language-design

What is the rationale for the behavior of the 'this' keyword in JavaScript?

Where are the new ideas in programming languages? [closed]

Which python classes allow assignment to not-yet-existent attributes, and which don't? [duplicate]

Why aren't the arguments to File.new symbols instead of strings?