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New posts in dynamic-languages

What does a dynamic language like python give you? Coming from a c#/java background. show me the light! [duplicate]

Do all dynamic languages have the circular import issue?

Dynamic languages - which one should I choose?

How do you know if a JavaScript library you are using will break your code after an upgrade?

C#: execute a function stored in a string variable

c# dynamic-languages

can anybody explain C C++ Java regarding dynamic or static language

Are All Dynamic Languages Typo-friendly?


Which Dynamic .NET language makes more sense to learn, Iron Ruby or Iron Python?

Best dynamic language to pair with Java on a Java project

In what languages can you dynamically rewrite functions on the fly?

Do scripters have to consider roundoff error?

Are functions the only JavaScript objects with a "prototype" property? [duplicate]

Stack and heap in PHP?

Overload Resolution in C# 4.0 using dynamic types

top gotchas for someone moving from a static lang (java/c#) to dynamic language like python

Under what circumstances are dynamic languages not appropriate? [closed]


Dynamic vs Static Compiler (JavaScript)

programmatically add property do ActionScript Object (metaprogramming)

Learning Python for a .NET developer [closed]