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C# instead of IronRuby as an embedded "scripting" language in .NET 3.5

Can I compile IronRuby project in VS2010 into DLL/exe file?

Calling IronRuby from C# with a delegate

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MacRuby+IronRuby or JRuby for Desktop Applications? [closed]

Why does the Albacore zip task fail on IronRuby?

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can ironruby nuget package be installed then used in a vanilla VS2012

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IronRuby - how to require .NET assemblies without strong name?

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Practical limitations with assemblies not marked as CLS compliant?

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How will Python and Ruby applications be affected by .NET?

Integration of C#, F#, IronPython and IronRuby

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Which Dynamic .NET language makes more sense to learn, Iron Ruby or Iron Python?

Using DLR from Unmanaged Code

Ironruby IDE


IronRuby 1.3.1 VS 2010 SP1 Installation Issue

Iron Python / Iron Ruby EXE

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Making the Case for IronRuby and IronPython

Key based authenication with net-sftp in Ruby

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Which ruby interpreter are you looking forward to?

is F# to IronPython/IronRuby as C# is to VB.NET?

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How to use IronRuby or IronPython together with c# in Web/Windows Form?