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Java and .NET: Why different sorting algorithms are used by default? [closed]

In Java, how can I avoid raw types when calling getClass on an instance of a generic type?

really confused by "enclosing scope" of javascript es6 arrow function

Strange problem with context free grammar

Why must I use address-of operator to get a pointer to a member function?

Why is 'super' a keyword rather than a method in Ruby?

ruby language-design super

Why does Swift require parameter names if it also requires argument order?

Why are all of the base immutable collections final or sealed in scala?

scala language-design

Why can't variable names have spaces in them? [duplicate]

Why is there a sizeof... operator in C++0x?

c++ language-design c++11

Is Java's lack of unsigned primitive types a characteristic of Java the platform or Java the language?

Java Language Design with toString

java language-design

Custom programming language: how?

Why must C# extension methods be defined in static classes? [duplicate]

What is the difference between "new Number(...)" and "Number(...)" in JavaScript?

Why are the unsigned CLR types so difficult to use in C#?

C# equivalent for Visual Basic keyword: 'With' ... 'End With'?

Why does Haskell hide functions with the same name but different type signatures?

Creating your own language


How to create a language these days?