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Why does Haskell hide functions with the same name but different type signatures?

Suppose I was to define (+) on Strings but not by giving an instance of Num String.

Why does Haskell now hide Nums (+) function? After all, the function I have provided:

(+) :: String -> String -> String

can be distinguished by the compiler from Prelude's (+). Why can't both functions exist in the same namespace, but with different, non-overlapping type signatures?

As long as there is no call to the function in the code, Haskell to care that there's an ambiguitiy. Placing a call to the function with arguments will then determine the types, such that appropriate implementation can be chosen.

Of course, once there is an instance Num String, there would actually be a conflict, because at that point Haskell couldn't decide based upon the parameter type which implementation to choose, if the function were actually called.
In that case, an error should be raised.

Wouldn't this allow function overloading without pitfalls/ambiguities?

Note: I am not talking about dynamic binding.

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phant0m Avatar asked Feb 06 '13 09:02


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2 Answers

Haskell simply does not support function overloading (except via typeclasses). One reason for that is that function overloading doesn't work well with type inference. If you had code like f x y = x + y, how would Haskell know whether x and y are Nums or Strings, i.e. whether the type of f should be f :: Num a => a -> a -> a or f :: String -> String -> String?

PS: This isn't really relevant to your question, but the types aren't strictly non-overlapping if you assume an open world, i.e. in some module somewhere there might be an instance for Num String, which, when imported, would break your code. So Haskell never makes any decisions based on the fact that a given type does not have an instance for a given typeclass. Of course, function definitions hide other function definitions with the same name even if there are no typeclasses involved, so as I said: not really relevant to your question.

Regarding why it's necessary for a function's type to be known at the definition site as opposed to being inferred at the call-site: First of all the call-site of a function may be in a different module than the function definition (or in multiple different modules), so if we had to look at the call site to infer a function's type, we'd have to perform type checking across module boundaries. That is when type checking a module, we'd also have to go all through the modules that import this module, so in the worst case we have to recompile all modules every time we change a single module. This would greatly complicate and slow down the compilation process. More importantly it would make it impossible to compile libraries because it's the nature of libraries that their functions will be used by other code bases that the compiler does not have access to when compiling the library.

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sepp2k Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10


As long as the function isn't called

At some point, when using the function

no no no. In Haskell you don't think of "before" or "the minute you do...", but define stuff once and for all time. That's most apparent in the runtime behaviour of variables, but also translates to function signatures and class instances. This way, you don't have to do all the tedious thinking about compilation order and are safe from the many ways e.g. C++ templates/overloads often break horribly because of one tiny change in the program.

Also, I don't think you quite understand how Hindley-Milner works.

Before you call the function, at which time you know the type of the argument, it doesn't need to know.

Well, you normally don't know the type of the argument! It may sometimes be explicitly given, but usually it's deduced from the other argument or the return type. For instance, in

map (+3) [5,6,7]

the compiler doesn't know what types the numeric literals have, it only knows that they are numbers. This way, you can evaluate the result as whatever you like, and that allows for things you could only dream of in other languages, for instance a symbolic type where

> map (+3) [5,6,7] :: SymbolicNum
[SymbolicPlus 5 3, SymbolicPlus 6 3, SymbolicPlus 7 3]
like image 7
leftaroundabout Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 15:10
