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New posts in message-passing

How to choose the "Key" for inter-processes communication in Linux?

linux ipc message-passing

TPL Dataflow, can I query whether a data block is marked complete but has not yet completed?

Python assertRaises on user-defined exceptions

How to modify MPI blocking send and receive to non-blocking

Is it possible to send a message to an unregistered processes in Erlang?

In Akka, how do I know when an actor is ready to use after having been registered with actorOf()?

actor akka message-passing

In MPI_Gather(), MPI_Scatter() what is the difference between send count and receive count?

c++ c memory mpi message-passing

Empty Process Mail box in Erlang

erlang message-passing

MPI_Bcast: Efficiency advantages?

Are seda and the actor model essentially equivalent?

What is the most secure way of passing messages between an injected script and Google Chrome extension code/content script?

OOP - Message Passing in C#

c# oop message-passing

OCaml event/channel tutorial?

When is messaging (e.g. JMS) an alternative for multithreading?

Choosing a consistency model for a concurrent programming language

Ok to call MPI_Isend multiple times on one buffer?

mpi message-passing

Node.Js in Erlang style?

TPL Dataflow, how to forward items to only one specific target block among many linked target blocks?