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New posts in language-agnostic

Minimize a DFA with don't care transitions

Very low collision non-cryptographic hashing function

How do you come up with names for your namespaces?

Any software for pattern-matching and -rewriting source code? [closed]

When to use and not to use each development paradigm? [closed]

How to build a solvable level of Same Game (aka. Chain-Shot, aka. Clickomania)


Newbie question about Dependency Injection when a method needs to create new objects

Tinyurl-style unique code: potential algorithm to prevent collisions

Issuing multiple requests using HTTP/1.1 Pipelining

How would I code a complex formula parser manually?

What is a "tagged DFA"?

running code when two events have triggered

Implementions of "Interior Point Method" to solve LP (and QP)

Tristate values -- is there a convention?

Does a turing machine have the concept of 'time'?

Github: Fork or create a brand new Repository?

Where to put potentially re-useable helper functions?

java language-agnostic oop

"Round half up" on floating point values

Algorithm to iterate through sample space of numbers

doing something in an unusual but efficient way