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New posts in language-agnostic

Pretty-printing a binary tree in C (and other imperative languages)

Calculating distance to a path

Data structure for storing chord progression rules? [closed]

How are "nonblocking" data structures possible?

Why does 0.1 + 0.4 = 0.5?

What's the best way to organize code? [closed]


Spell checking city names?

The use of config file is it equivalent to use of globals?

Mutually beneficial IP/copyright clauses for contract-based freelance work


Context-free grammar describing regular expressions?

Graph Theory: Find the Jordan center?

Merge several regexes to a single one

A way to draw equidistant curve

Remove the minimum number of blades

Random integers in array. Find the greatest sum of a continuous subset [duplicate]

Find Shortest Binary String In Given Interval

OCR: segmentation of small text

Lazy Shuffle Algorithms

How do programming languages call code written in another language?

Why is compare-and-swap (CAS) algorithm a good choice for lock-free synchronization?