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New posts in hash-code-uniqueness

Fast HashCode of a Complex Object Graph

Is a hash result ever the same as the source value?

Dynamic perfect hashing and universal hash functions - explanation please?

Will this hash function collide unusually frequently?

Can I assume two objects with the same System.identityHashCode are the same?

java hash-code-uniqueness

what really happens when passing objects in java?

Is the uniqueness of CRC-32-hashes sufficient to uniquely identify strings containing filenames?

Java hashCode for a Point class

Tinyurl-style unique code: potential algorithm to prevent collisions

How to generate a hash code from three longs

Java overriding equals() and hashcode() for two interchangeable integers

Are there circumstances where a hash algorithm can be guaranteed unique?

Are hash collisions with different file sizes just as likely as same file size?

Why is '397' used for ReSharper GetHashCode override?