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New posts in java-9

Sending a signal to a Process from Java 9

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Derby driver not found in Java 9 module

How to call a service from module in a new created layer in Java 9?

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How to config Java 9 in Ubuntu

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Java9 for Solaris X64

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Is there a way to modify module path and added modules of a programmatic JShell instance?

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How to have the java8 code that uses Unsafe working on jdk8 and jdk9?

java 9 third party modules works with IDE but not with jlink

removing java.endorsed.dirs from Tomcat on Eclipse with Java 9 and Java 10

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Receiving items from reactive stream SubmissionPublisher

Maven+JDK9 modules: Failed to parse module-info

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JShell dollar variable name numbering

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Should Java 9 Cleaner be preferred to finalization?

Building a Kotlin + Java 9 project with Gradle

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Why is the finalize() method deprecated in Java 9?

gradle java9 Could not target platform: 'Java SE 9' using tool chain: 'JDK 8 (1.8)'

What is the use of Map.ofEntries() instead of Map.of()

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Meaning of lambda () -> { } in Java

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Method reference to private interface method

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Is there any need to switch to modules when migrating to Java 9 or later?