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New posts in finalize

Can other methods be called after finalize()?

java finalize

Do I need to implement a dispose or finalize in my objects?

PhantomReference with null queue

How to finalize record passed through the untyped parameter of a function?

Can finalize() method be overloaded in Java

java overloading finalize

Why can I not get the PhantomReference from the ReferenceQueue for a finalizable object?

java reference finalize

When is finalize called on singletons when a classloader is released?

If Java's generational garbage collectors traverse the graph of live objects, how do they know which objects to call finalize() on? [duplicate]

Kotlin super.finalize()

kotlin finalize

Why do I need to call a close() or shutdown() method?

How does finalize() work in java?

What happened internally (JVM) when System.gc() or finalize() method called?

The cost of finalize in .Net

Java finalizer guardian does not seem to work?

java finalize

MongoDB Map Reduce - Finalize to skip some results

mongodb mapreduce finalize

Is there any need for java's finalize method?

java finalize

Why is finalize() only called once by garbage collector?

Should Java 9 Cleaner be preferred to finalization?

Why is the finalize() method deprecated in Java 9?