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Why is finalize() only called once by garbage collector?

Quotes from SCJP 6 study guide:

In the finalize() method you could write code that passes a reference to the object in question back to another object, effectively uneligiblizing the object for garbage collection. If at some point later on this same object becomes eligible for garbage collection again, the garbage collector can still process this object and delete it. The garbage collector, however, will remember that, for this object, finalize() already ran, and it will not run finalize() again

Why is it designed so? The purpose of the finalize() method still holds good even when the object is marked of collection second time. Then why Java decides to skip call to finalize()?

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Rahul Kurup Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 17:08

Rahul Kurup

2 Answers

I don't know if its the original reason, but the current implementation enqueues Finalizer instances (internal subclass of Reference) for objects overriding the finalize method with an internal ReferenceQueue that gets polled by a dedicated FinalizerThread.

And because the JVM has no way of knowing whether the object would need to be finalized a second time it cannot decide whether it would have to enqueue a new Finalizer once the finalize() method has been called.

Anyway, you should avoid using finalize(). It makes object allocation more costly, prevents escape analysis and is not a very reliable way of managing native resources because the GC can postpone the finalization for an unbounded amount of time.

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the8472 Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 22:11


Objects with an enabled finalizer are ineligible for collection; the GC only examines them after determining all the other objects which are ineligible for collection, however, and makes note of all the objects which would have been eligible for collection but for the existence of the enabled finalizer, and runs the finalize methods of such objects as soon as practical. Finalizable objects won't become eligible for collection until the finalizer has run, but the GC will have no way of distinguishing objects which become eligible for finalization as soon as the finalizer finishes, or those which were rendered ineligible for finalization as a result of actions by some object's finalizer and became eligible for collection at some later time.

The .NET Framework includes methods called IIRC GC.SuppressFinalize and GC.ReRegisterForFinalization which make it possible for code which knows an object's finalizer won't do anything useful to tell the GC not to bother calling it, and allows for code which knows a finalizer ran "too soon" to request that it run again later. The JVM, however, does not include such a feature. Since having all finalizable objects automatically reregistered for finalization once the finalizer runs would prevent them from ever getting collected, and since there's no way to manually reregister them, the net consequence is that there's no usable pattern via which an object's finalizer can be run more than once.

On the other hand, it is possible to achieve a similar effect by defining a nested class object which is finalizable, having the outer class object hold a reference to a nested-class instance, and having that nested class instance's "finalize" method chain back to cleanup code in its owner. If that cleanup code discards the nested-class instance and replaces it with a new one, then that new instance will trigger its finalizer (chaining back to its owner) on the next GC cycle where the owner is found to be unreferenced.

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supercat Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11
