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New posts in ios7

Newlines in iOS 7 UITextView breaking Text Kit exclusion zone wrapping

objective-c ipad ios7 textkit

UITextView, setContentOffset and missing bottom part

Xcode 5 IOS simulator black screen and app install fails

Is there a way to discover BLE peripheral service faster?

CLBeaconRegion not calling didEnterRegion from termination

Where Can I Find Sprite Kit Available fonts?

ios iphone fonts ios7 sprite-kit

How to send a string in a UDP socket in iOS7?

ios ios7 udp udpclient cfsocket

With Xcode 5 and Asset Catalog, are we still required to include the CFBundleIcons key in Info.plist?

ios xcode ios6 ios7 xcode5

UITableView 'hidden' section causing more memory allocations every time on pull to refresh

iOS7: How to add a fixed Search Bar like Contacts on iOS7?

UIVideoAtPathIsCompatibleWithSavedPhotosAlbum returns false when deploying on the iPhone

Barcode Scanner in iOS

iPhone App Submission - Bluetooth BLE Enable

ios7 core-bluetooth

Push animation without shadows and blackouts

ios objective-c ios7

iOS SDK - Image masking

ios objective-c xcode ios7

iOS: nested push animation can result in corrupted navigation bar

ios ios7

How to force portrait orientation? [closed]

Disable clipping of "Selection Handles/Callipers" in UITextView

ios ios7 uitextview xib

Dismiss modal segue

Can you run Xcuitests in parallel?