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New posts in ios7

Display Only Hours In UIDatePicker

Setting the delegate when using canDisplayBannerAds

ios ios7 iad

iOS Unit Testing: XCTestSuite, XCTest, XCTestRun, XCTestCase methods

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What is best Practices to use AutoLayout?

IOS 7 launch image, displaying black screen on device ONLY

ios7 ios7.1 launchimage

iOS 7 Bluetooth - app that handles events in background even after phone restart

Is there a fast replacement for deprecate `SKPaymentTransaction.transactionReceipt`?

How to simulate paper fold while inserting and deleting rows in a UITableView

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How to change the iOS app icon in iTunes Connect when update the version?

Setting the tab bar icon color when popup is shown?

ios objective-c ios7 xcode5

Unicode character(s) that look like iOS7 left-pointing navigation chevron

Animations disappear in iOS application after some time

iOS7 UIStatusBar blur not correct

IOS Fingerprint implementation

ios ios7 xcode5 fingerprint

UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext vs UIGraphicsBeginImageContext/UIGraphicsEndImageContext

Images not showing in iOS 7.1 with XCode 6 / Swift

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UINavigationBar set tintcolor tested in iOS7 not working?

NSClassFromString() always returns nil

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iOS7 Safari: Saving to Home-screen and persist token

iPad iOS7 - UIImagePickerController in UIPopoverController has wrong preview image