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New posts in iphone-standalone-web-app

Web App Manifest: "start_url" doesn't work for Safari

iOS WebApp's don't allow location services?

Blank screen with apple-mobile-web-app-capable and Facebook Connect

iOS WebApp not showing startup image

How to recover from an error loading page with jQuery mobile when safari components are hidden?

Launch mobile safari from full screen web app on iPhone

iOS Web App: Showing content only if the application is standalone

How do I make "apple-mobile-web-app-capable" not lose its session?

When a user launches "new window" in a home screen app

iOS “Add to Home Screen” - file download kicks user out

iOS 11 - standalone web app link opening default reversed? (Handling PDF display in web app.)

iPhone Web App splash screen delay

iOS7 Safari: Saving to Home-screen and persist token