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New posts in uitoolbar

UIToolBar Not Showing In 3.5 Inch Simulator

UIToolBar unexpectedly registers taps on UIBarButtonItem instances even when tapping at a considerable distance from them

UIToolbar UIBarButtonItem with both image and title has very dim text

UIToolBar on top of UITabBar?

How do I get the UIToolbar font to match UINavigation Controller?

ios uisegmentedcontrol with different sizes

ToolBar done button action does not work on UIDatePicker

UIToolbar - margins? Does anyone know the left and right margins for a UIToolbar?

ios7 toolbar color washed out

ios7 uitoolbar

How do I add a UISegmentedControl to my UIToolbar using Storyboard?

UIToolBar tintColor not working for iOS 7

How to avoid UIToolbar's tintColor to change UIButtonItem button color?

how to customize QLPreviewController's navBar and toolbar tintColor

Hide the keybord on clicking enter button or search button

Dismissing UIPickerView with Done button on UIToolBar

Toolbar above keyboard doesn't hide when keyboard hides