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New posts in ios4

iOS 4.2 simulator files?

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How to disable fast application switching (multitasking) on iOS 4?

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AVFoundation functions undefined in arm6/arm7

UITableViewCell Custom accessory - get the row of accessory

Reordering controls on UITableView while not in editing mode?

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How to read bytes from NSData

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How to record and play sound in iPhone app?

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Simulate Tab Key Press in iOS SDK

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'NSFetchedResultsController does not support both change tracking and fetch request's with NSDictionaryResultType'

Common LISP on iPhone/iOS

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UITableViewCell custom reorder control

Xcode 4.1 Archive Build in organizer doesn't show icon

iOS / mobile safari still zooms while viewport is set to user-scalable=no ? Check Accessibility settings!

Error Domain=SKErrorDomain Code=0 “Operation could not be completed. (SKErrorDomain error 0.)”

how to update MKPolyline / MKPolylineView?

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iPhone (iOS): copying files from main bundle to documents folder causes crash

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Is it a problem when an iAd may be obscured?

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XCODE Base SDK Missing

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iPhone application – reading SMS
