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XCODE Base SDK Missing

I have a application built on IOS 4.1 but recently I have upgraded my XCODE to 3.2.6 which supports IOS 4.3.

How can I run this application in this XCODE. All I am seeing is the "Base SDK Missing" message even though I am choosing the deployment target SDK as 4.1.

Please suggest.

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Abhinav Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 17:01


People also ask

What is base SDK in Xcode?

The base SDK is the SDK you compile your app with. You can think of this term as the SDK Version. When a new version of Xcode is released a new base SDK Version is included.

Where is iOS SDK stored?

The SDK is located at /Applications/Xcode. app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX. platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX.

1 Answers

As well as the Deployment Target, you need to set the Base SDK.

Go to the Project menu, then Edit Project Settings. Select the Build tab, and near the top, there is a Base SDK setting.

Sometimes, you also need to clean all targets, and restart Xcode for it to work properly.

like image 110
Dave Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
