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New posts in indentation

Raw String Literals - Remove Leading Indentation

How to turn off auto indent in Visual Studio 2019? (not VISUAL STUDIO CODE)

What is the name of this particular indent style? ("braces stacked")

Indenting by spaces using HTMLTidy in Notepad++

Overhead of HTML whitespace indentation

Looking for examples of Jison grammars that use indentation for block-structure

grammar indentation jison

How can I indent Ruby and Rails code in Vim?

How to remove the first character indent on textview of Android

Kate "tab-spacing character" removal or turn-off

Emacs indentation for html (web-mode) doesn't work properly

html emacs indentation emacs24

Is possible to parse "off-side" (indentation-based) languages with fparsec?

parsing f# indentation fparsec

How do I define indents in vim based on curly braces?

How to indent with pprint in Python?

Notepad++ convert leading spaces to tabs upon entry

Indenting all lines inside textarea

Wrong array initializer indentation while typing PHP in Eclipse

php arrays eclipse indentation

How to indent a block of Python code in Notepad++?

Update current indentation spaces size in WebStorm 2016

HTML Indentation in the mVc World [duplicate]

Selectively disabling 'filetype plugin indent' for particular filetypes in Vim 7.3

indentation vim