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New posts in indentation

inconsistent use of tabs and spaces in indentation notepad++ Python

python indentation

How to create in indent of a rectangle in Inkscape? [closed]

indentation inkscape

Why is vim indenting my Perl code incorrectly?

perl vim indentation vim-perl

How do I deal with many levels of indentation?

LaTeX "\indent" creating paragraph indentation / tabbing package requirement?

latex command indentation

How to remove indentation highlighting in vim?

Improved tab in Emacs

emacs elisp indentation

What is the proper indentation for bash scripts?

Generating an indented string for a single line of text

c# string indentation

Why do I get "expected an indented block" when I try to run my Python script? [closed]

python indentation

Multiplying strings in C# [duplicate]

c# string indentation

How to enforce closing bracket lint rules in python

python indentation lint pylint

Ruby Code Autoindentation in Vim

ruby vim indentation

How to suppress indentation for XML output in XQuery

How to indent/autoformat HOCON in EMACS?

Indentation in Rails logs

Strange CSS effect in Bootstrap. Unintentional indent when showing numerous content divs inside container div