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New posts in text-indent

Backspace, if chars from cursor to begin of line are tabs/spaces, go back one indent level

vim indentation text-indent

Width issue with negative text indent in CSS

Hiding Text using css: text-indent

css seo text-indent

CSS text-indent - remove text but not content added using :after

css text-indent

Coloring/indenting a script within script in Emacs

Visual Studio Code - Indent single line with tabulator-key

Indenting all lines inside textarea

HTML5Boilerplate and the Image Replacement Class text-indent -999em

CSS text-indent on input field doesn't update the caret position until you start typing

Indent ragged li when using a custom bullet

Android Indent and Hanging Indent

CSS animate scrolling text using text-indent

Indentation Error with Sublime Text

How to indent text exactly one character width

css fonts text-indent

Why doesn't text-indent work when its container has a :before/:after pseudo-element? (FX/Opera)

How to add hanging indent to the labels of a checkbox customized with custom icons in CSS?

Label text is wrapped but not indent second line

html css text-indent

hiding text using "text-indent"

Text indent is not working in ie7

Is text-indent: -9999px a bad technique for replacing text with images, and what are the alternatives?

html css seo text-indent