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Why does HTML5Boilerplate and others use a CDN for jQuery?

TYPO3: lang attribute changed in html tag (HTML5boilerplate style)

How to remove gap between header and container div in HTML5 Boilerplate

font-size on mobile

css html5boilerplate

How am I supposed to use index.html?

css html html5boilerplate

How can I use Google's/MBP FastButton code with backbone events

how can i position text to either side of an image in html5

Google Map canvas is getting blank when printing (Ctrl + P)

Internet Explorer, Closure Compiler and Trailing Commas

How can I use CSS3 ::selection without changing the default color and background color?

css html5boilerplate

Controlling Cache Expirations

HTML5 Boilerplate Page-specific Javascript Placement

How to use html5 boiler plate?

html html5boilerplate

Choosing the right Html 5 framework - HTML5 Boilerplate, Skeleton, Twitter Bootstrap and HTML KickStart [closed]

Why do 404 pages include inline CSS [closed]

css html5boilerplate

What is the proper way to override an element's CSS 'position: relative;' using Bootstrap 2.2.1?

HTML5Boilerplate and the Image Replacement Class text-indent -999em

Can we use Foundation with HTML5Boilerplate?

Using Html5boilerplate's code to load JQuery very slow when run locally

jquery html5boilerplate

How to extend google analytics to track AJAX etc (as per H5BP docs)