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New posts in boilerplate

State monads: trading one pattern for another?

How should I proceed building an application after cloning a boilerplate?

git boilerplate

Too much boiler plate code switch statement - iOS

CSS - A white gap between my HTML and BODY

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HTML5Boilerplate with Yii Framework

Java Remove repeated try, catch, finally boilerplate from DAO

java try-catch dao boilerplate

How to avoid boilerplate on template arguments when calling parent constructor

c++ templates boilerplate crtp

How to call a lambda on each element of a list and get the result in a new list? My working version is too verbose

HTML5 Boilerplate plugins.js question

jquery html boilerplate

Lombok for Android

android boilerplate lombok

gae-boilerplate documentation

angular injector with asp.net Boilerplate

angularjs boilerplate

Factoring product type assignments in OCaml

How to automatically create (e.g.) singleton with c# using CodeDOM / T4 / PostSharp / whatever?

Backbone Boilerplate Template

Scala Real Interval, Int Interval

How to write less boilerplate in a expression evaluator written with recursion-schemes

Windows Credential Provider, Filter, and Unlock Workstation Scenario

How to remove gap between header and container div in HTML5 Boilerplate