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New posts in google-closure

Google Closure: How to annotate a parameter used as a constructor

Google closure variable window/event/console/... is undeclared error

How can I make Google's closure library load faster?

Google Closure - Html5History fires NAVIGATE event twice

How to define global types when code is wrapped in functions

@internal JavaScript documentation tag inside react code, is this jsdoc, closure, or something else?

How can I use HTML5 Web Workers with Google Closure Tools?

Test if object is implementation of interface in Google Closure class framework

Looking for a template engine which can be used in Java and JavaScript [closed]

How do i use the closurebuilder for compiling and minifying scripts

Using @typedef to define a specific function type

Choosing MooTools over Google closure?

Google Closure Error with externs

How can I mark methods created with `reify` with ^:export, so that the Closure compiler doesn't rename them?

Is it possible to get better output for `goog.debug.Logger` (like `console.log`)?

Using Google Closure Templates with jQuery

How is google dart related to google closure?

google-closure dart

Is it possible to use Clojurescript or Google Closure to write Chrome extensions or web app?

Why does Google's Closure Compiler leave a few unnecessary spaces or line breaks?