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New posts in google-closure-library

Google closure variable window/event/console/... is undeclared error

How can I make Google's closure library load faster?

Closure compiler dependency calculation much slower than closurebuilder.py

Hide Google Library's warnings

How can I use HTML5 Web Workers with Google Closure Tools?

Test if object is implementation of interface in Google Closure class framework

How do i use the closurebuilder for compiling and minifying scripts

ClojureScript format string with goog.string.format doesn't substitute

How can CSS be applied to components from Google Closure Library?

Is there a typescript definition file for google closure library?

Using Google Closure Templates with jQuery

Why create a temporary constructor when doing Javascript inheritance?

Which function does this jsaction call?

Why is `goog.base(this)` necessary in addition to `goog.inherits()`?

Closure Library or YUI 3

Closure library dom node from html text


What does the @private annotation actually do in Google Closure JavaScript code?

Benchmark for Google Closure Library

Using DOMContentReady considered anti-pattern by Google