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New posts in rawstring

Python raw strings and unicode : how to use Web input as regexp patterns?

python regex unicode rawstring

Are line breaks in raw strings platform-dependent?

How to make C++ raw string which includes raw string terminator?

c++ string rawstring

When CPP line splicing is undone within C++0x raw strings, is a conforming implementation required to preserve the original newline sequence?

Does R 4.0.0. make it possible to define foo"(...)" operators, similar to the newly introduced r"(...)" syntax?

r syntax interpreter rawstring

Raw String Literals - Remove Leading Indentation

How to correctly write a raw multiline string in Python?

How to exclude C++ raw string literals from syntax highlighting in Vim?

How to output """ in the "here docs" of scala?

scala heredoc rawstring

Raw string and regular expression in Python

Carriage return + newline in raw string literals?

c++ string gcc c++11 rawstring

Raw string field value in JSON file

json rawstring

Python - Raw String Literals

python rawstring

Python raw string "r" flag equivalent in C# [duplicate]

How to 'raw text' a variable in Python?

Python Argparse: Raw string input

In context of Python Raw string

python string rawstring

Why can't I end a raw string with a backslash? [duplicate]

python string rawstring

How to create raw string from string variable in python?

python string rawstring