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New posts in indentation

Indenting SQL in another major mode in Emacs

sql emacs elisp indentation

Xcode 5 indentation issue

Why is Uncrustify forcing a space before my Objective-C block closing brace?

How to use SLIME indentation with editorconfig in emacs

NetBeans doesn't know how to format JS code, how do I fix?

Allman-style braces in TypeScript

Visual Studio - Code Formatting (curly braces)

Make Vim ignore first character in line while indenting

perl vim indentation mason

YAMLSyntaxError: All collection items must start at the same column at line X column X

Is it possible to modify the cindent rules for one case in vim?

vim d indentation

notepad++ and nppautoindent

"Lisp Style" indentation on curly brace languages [closed]

coding-style indentation

Highlight tabs in vim when expandtab is set

PhpStorm: any solution for 4 annoying problems?

Can I set IntelliJ to auto indent the code body?

Unexpected Indentation in Visual Studio Code with Python

Shortcut key to indent a block of text with IdeaVim and Phpstorm

Multi-line literals in swagger editor?

Getting Vim to recognize XML

xml vim indentation vi

ANTLR What is simpliest way to realize python like indent-depending grammar?

antlr lexer indentation