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notepad++ and nppautoindent

I have installed the nppautoindent plugin into the notepad++ editor. I see no autoindenting effect. I am using PHP. Can some one help me get this to work?


like image 847
stackoverflowpro Avatar asked Oct 13 '22 17:10


1 Answers

What version of Notepad++ and NPPAutoIndent are you using? I'm using Notepad++ version 5.8.7 and NPPAutoIndent version 1.2. I'm not familiar with the way the plugin is supposed to work but I think I got the autoindenting to work.

First off, go to Settings->Preferences->Misc and ensure that Auto-indent is not ticked. Then go to Plugins->NPPAutoIndent and ensure Smart Indent is selected. Once that is done I get indentation like this when I press Return after each line:

function test() {
    return "Test";

This is what it looks like otherwise:

function test() {
return "Test";

I hope that helps.

like image 173
Malice Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 10:10
