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New posts in indentation

Emacs reindenting entire C++ buffer

emacs indentation

Indenting Bash Script Output

git bash scripting indentation

Chained methods and continuation indent in Intellij

VIM automatic indent of LaTeX files bad

latex indentation

Haskell/Parsec: how do I use Text.Parsec.Token with Text.Parsec.Indent (from the indents package)

Avoiding label indenting in C++

c++ vim indentation

Converting spaces to tabs in multiple files Sublime Text 2

How to apply javascript formatting to .json files?

Proper indentation for C++11 lambdas

c++11 lambda indentation

Eclipse html: Doesn't indent on some tags

How to indent a selection in gVim (Win32)

windows vim indentation

Is there a way to enforce using tabs instead of spaces?

c# indentation stylecop

How to add indention to the stream operator

XCode: Function argument indentation

xcode indentation xcode3.2

emacs 24 c++ auto-indentation broken

emacs indentation

Suppress c++ namespace indentation in emacs [duplicate]

c++ emacs indentation

Configure eclipse so that backspace unindents

How to do python-like indentation with flex/bison

Emacs 24.3 python: Can't guess python-indent-offset, using defaults 4