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New posts in glsl

GLSL calculating color vector from multiple lights

opengl glsl

What is the gl_NormalMatrix and gl_ModelViewMatrix in shaders?

c++ opengl matrix glsl

Accessing barycentric coordinates inside fragment shader

opengl glsl fragment-shader

How fragment shader determines the number of fragments from vertex shader output?

OpenGL, Shader Model 3.3 Texturing: Black Textures?

c++ qt opengl glsl texturing

Using both phong and textures in glsl

opengl glsl

Does gl_FragColor do anything that gl_FragData does not?

opengl glsl

OpenGLES 2.0: gl_VertexID equivalent?

GLSL equivalent of HLSL clip()?


for-loop in shader code working with hardcoded number but not with uniform variable

Frequency of shader invocations in rendering commands

Recursion in GLSL prohibited?

c++ opengl glsl raytracing

Updating ShaderMaterial attribute in three.js

GLSL: Can't get uniforms location

opengl glsl

Why are there multiple ways to pass VAOs to a GLSL program?

opengl glsl

Old school tv edge-warping effect?

Is there a way to use assembly hand-coded shaders instead of using GLSL on iPhone?

iphone glsl shader

GLSL: check if an extension is supported

opengl glsl

GLSL Instancing - Max number of inputs for vertex data?

opengl glsl

Calculating angle between two vectors in GLSL

opengl geometry glsl