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New posts in glsl

Quick sort in GLSL?

opengl glsl gpgpu quicksort

GLSL Checkerboard Pattern


Gaussian-distributed pseudo-random number generator in GLSL [duplicate]

Proper way to manage shaders in OpenGL

HDR Bloom effect rendering pipeline using OpenGL/GLSL

opengl glsl shader

OpenGL - Explicit Uniform Location in different Shader Stages

opengl graphics glsl shader

Problems porting a GLSL shadertoy shader to unity

unity3d glsl shader

Reflection/refraction with chromatic aberration - eye correction

opengl matrix glsl

texturing using texelFetch()

opengl glsl shader textures

Access depth-stencil texture in a shader program

Provide an integer for an array index in OpenGL ES 2.0?

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Three.JS | PerObject-Blur, What techniques can I use for GLSL/C to optimize code?

javascript c three.js glsl webgl

glGetBufferSubData and glMapBufferRange for GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER very slow on NVIDIA GTX960M

Overview/showcase of shader techniques/uses for games

graphics glsl shader

Image processing on the GPU with OpenGL, GLSL and Framebuffer Objects - questions about performance

Textures in OpenGL ES 2.0 for Android

Normal Mapping and translation disrupts my lighting

GLSL Issue when using pow()

c++ opengl glsl shader

Is it safe to use the block index as the binding point for UniformBufferObject, ShaderStorageBufferObjects, etc?

opengl glsl