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New posts in noise

Perlin Noise algorithm does not seem to produce gradient noise

deleting noise from eye retina

Problem with averaging corrupted images to eliminate the noise in MATLAB

Why do Perlin noise algorithms use lookup tables for random numbers

random noise perlin-noise

Trying to filter (tons of) noise from accelerometers and gyroscopes

Smoothing of time-series data without smoothing out peak values in R

Obtaining meaningful velocity information from noisy position data

Reduce the volume of a Wav audio file using C

c audio wav volume noise

How to plot average of noise values in Gnuplot

Are there noise functions in GLSL OpenGL ES 2.0 (iOS)?

OpenCV how to smooth contour, reducing noise

What is a sorting algorithm that is robust to a faulty comparison?

Is there a (legal) way to capture the ENTIRE screen under iOS?

What is the unit of the returned amplitude of getMaxAmplitude method?

android audio noise

find robust fit of a model function in noisy signal

Strange result from perlin noise generator

java noise

C# sound visualisation [closed]

c# .net audio bitmap noise

Adding poisson noise to an image

python image noise poisson