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New posts in friend

What is the right way to write friend function declarations in template class?

c++ templates vector friend

friend and template in C++

Template operator overloading implementation outside class header [duplicate]

friend ref class?

Pure Virtual Friend Class

How to declare a template function a friend of a templated nested class?

c++ templates friend

How to declare a friend that is a member function of another not yet defined class in C++?

Cannot understand friend functions in a template class

c++ templates friend

friend function in global namespace with custom return type

c++ namespaces clang friend

Pimpl idiom and internal object collaboration without friend declaration

How to get list of dependency jars from an sbt 0.10.0 project

scala sbt friend

C++ : friend function in a template class for operator<<

c++ templates friend ostream

How to use a class function in C++?

c++ class friend

Friendship and private nested class inheritance

Friend function massacred by circular includes

Are derived classes considered friends?

c++ inheritance friend

template friend functions of template class

Using the same key for signing multiple assemblies: wise/unwise?

Can friend class be declared conditionally in C++03?

c++ friend c++03

C# References; Keeping Members Hidden

c# oop friend double-pointer