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New posts in friend

Friend function of a private inner class

c++ private friend

cannot convert '*void(MyClass::*)(void*) to void*(*)(void*) in pthread_create function

Class design vs. IDE: Are nonmember nonfriend functions really worth it?

Why and how to overload operator<< for printing

Overload operator<< for nested class template

Correct syntax for friend template function

c++ templates friend

restriction on friend function

c++ friend

friend function of std::make_shared() in Visual Studio 2010 (not Boost)

Ambiguous operator<< overloading in Clang [duplicate]

Friends confusion

c++ friend

When is "already a friend" warning useful?

c++ gcc warnings friend

Incomplete type in friend function

Inner class, pimpl and a friend class - disagreeing compilers

C++ Forward Declaration and Friendship in Namespace

Forward Declaration of Template Function

c++ templates friend

How to declare two classes such that A has members of B and B marks members of A as friends?

C++ inline definition of friend function

c++ language-lawyer friend

How do I make main a friend of my class? [closed]

c++ main friend

Friend, private function, template alias, and decltype... is clang correct in rejecting this?

c++ language-lawyer friend