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New posts in ambiguous-call

(Lack of) Ambiguous Type When Using Read and Show in Haskell

Resolving virtual method overloads across base classes

What makes a Min(byte,int) call ambiguous?

c# byte ambiguous-call

How to resolve ambigiously named extension method?

ISO C++ says that these are ambiguous,

C++ partial template argument deduction for function with variadic pack produces ambiguous call in Clang and MSVC

Ambiguous operator<< overloading in Clang [duplicate]

Disambiguating list initialization for std::vector<std::string>

Why doesn't private inheritance resolve ambiguity for static functions ? (tested in MSVC)

Why aren't these overloads ambiguous?

Why does this not produce an ambiguity? [duplicate]

Ambiguous function/constructor call in C#

c# ambiguous-call

Upcast mandatory when there are different overload

static_cast not working on precedence as expected

Question about ambiguous calls in C#

c# .net ambiguous-call

Ambiguous invocation caused by picking up two versions of System.Linq

Template parameter is ambiguous: could not deduce template argument

Obviously ambiguous call does not cause a compilation error on GCC

"redundant cast to java.lang.Object" warning for necessary cast

What happens when a class and a function have the same name?