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New posts in equality

Object.Equals: everything is equal by default

c# equals equality

Equality for anonymous types [duplicate]

c# equality anonymous-types

How do you compare a nullable int to an int

c# compare nullable equality

What is eq_rect and where is it defined in Coq?

equality coq

Why does PartialEq return a bool, when PartialOrd is more nuanced and returns Option<Ordering>?

rust equality

How to compare two JSON Strings for equality using GSON?

java json gson equality

Which equality test does Ruby's Hash use when comparing keys?

ruby hash equals equality

Comparing two pandas series for floating point near-equality?

Determine equality of Datetime values with minute precision within LINQ

c# datetime precision equality

Why is comparing strings 0(n), but comparing numbers 0(1)?

nhibernate: what are the best practices for implementing equality?

nhibernate equality

scala case class equals (==) not working as expected

scala equality case-class

Equality in Ocaml hashtables

hashtable ocaml equality

When is it OK to use == in JavaScript?

How to check if the current date is the first of the month

java date equality

How does the C == operator decide whether or not two floating point values are equal?

Why does a function constructed with pattern matching have the Eq type constraint but not when using a data constructor?

Is it important to override Equals if I'm implementing IEquatable<T>?

Using CLOS class instances as hash-table keys?

Is it safe to test a float for 0.0 equality?