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New posts in emulation

After I remove the apk, whenever I start Debug it tells me the package is not installed

android eclipse emulation

GnuWin32 or Cygwin - from a programmers point of view

How can I detect, that my app is running on the Ripple Emulator?

Windows Phone Emulator not starting

Simulate or Virtual Twain source for Twain development [closed]

How do I take a snapshot of the Android emulator's state?

android emulation snapshot

Creating Emulators for the current Android phones

android emulation

How do I learn to write a console emulator? [duplicate]

How to emulate IE8 environment?

GameBoy 16-bit load into 8-bit memory

Add ringtones in android emulator

android emulation ringtone

Android Emulator Does Not Start

Nexus7 emulator crashing after creating it

Where does the Android Emulator store the SD-Card files?

android emulation sd-card

Android emulator shows home screen upside down mirrored and locked (why?)

the use of ASSUME directive in 8086 instruction set

Android emulator keeps on crashing

Good emulators for embedded Linux

iPhone emulator for Windows that allows installation of new apps [closed]

Cannot start Android emulator from cmd line in Mac OS X