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New posts in gameboy

GameBoy compiler with system registers and interrupts

Writing memory with assembly (Z80 / Gameboy)

assembly z80 gameboy

Using two Arrays in C/Gameboy programming

c gameboy game-boy-advance

Gameboy Processor LR35902 Opcode 0x08 Meaning

z80 gameboy

How can I have code running while using sampled audio playback in GBDK c?

c audio gameboy

Could anything with a Z80 processor run Gameboy games?

table of functions vs switch in golang

emulation go gameboy

How do I learn to write a console emulator? [duplicate]

GameBoy 16-bit load into 8-bit memory

GBZ80: How does LD HL,(SP+e) affect H and C flags?

assembly z80 gameboy

Is the Z80 'Game Boy' CPU 8 or 16 bits?

cpu 16-bit 8-bit gameboy

Entering HALT mode with master interrupt enabled but no Interrupt Enable (0xFF0F = 0)?

Length of instruction LD A,(C) in gameboy ~Z80 processor

assembly emulation z80 gameboy

Game Boy emulator with a full debugger?

What is the behavior of the carry flag for CP on a Game Boy?

z80 gameboy

Optimizing a bit-manipulating algorithm in GameBoy Z80

Game Boy: What is the purpose of instructions that don't modify anything (e.g. AND A)?

emulation opcode z80 gameboy

How to decode the Nintendo logo from gameboy?

device-emulation gameboy

What's the purpose of instructions for loading a register to itself?