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New posts in deprecated

Facebook Graph API read_stream permission actually blocked for non-Facebook branded apps?

C#: What's the difference between an "Obsolete" function and "Deprecated" function? [duplicate]

Python warning showing always instead of once

How to deprecate the companion object of a case class?

How to replace df.ix with df.loc or df.iloc?

nosetest deprecation warnings

GLEW and openGL deprecation

c++ opengl deprecated glew

FB 4.0 - FBSession openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions replacement

SegmentedControlStyle deprecated in iOS 7 and later (8.4) | Xcode 6.4

ios xcode deprecated

Schema.org is ProfessionalService deprecated?

Alternative to .selector property now that it is removed in jQuery 1.9

Is there a fast replacement for deprecate `SKPaymentTransaction.transactionReceipt`?

Tracking down use of functions marked for deprecation

php function deprecated

Why is "mysql_connect" discouraged and what are the alternatives?

php mysql wamp deprecated

Firebase Phone Verification verifyPhoneNumber() deprecated + Application Crashed

Options for replacing the deprecated Gallery

Deprecate old name for class in C++

SlidingDrawer deprecated

Why is accelerometer:didAccelerate: deprecated in IOS5?

Angular2's provide() function deprecated in RC4 and later, what should be used instead?

angular deprecated provider