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New posts in cpu-architecture

Are Intel x86_64 processors not only pipelined architecture, but also superscalar?

RISC-V: Why set least significant bit to zero in JALR

cpu-architecture riscv

Globally Invisible load instructions

How do Operating Systems prevent programs from accessing memory?

How do machines interpret binary?

How to cancel branch prediction? [closed]

What is the definition of JAL in RISC-V and how does one use it?

what does STREAM memory bandwidth benchmark really measure?

How are functions encoded/stored in memory?

Why does my CPU suddenly work twice as fast?

Multicore clock counter consistency

VEX prefixes encoding and SSE/AVX MOVUP(D/S) instructions

How can I dynamically hint a branch target to an x64 CPU?

ARMv8 backward compatibility with ARMv7 (Snapdragon 820 vs Cortex-A15)

how is CPU physical address space mapped to physical DRAM?

Relation between endianness and stack-growth direction

Is it possible to use memory barriers only on the storing side