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New posts in cpu-architecture

How can I perform 64-bit division with a 32-bit divide instruction?

List of supported native code of Android phones

Is there any way in C to check at compile time if you are on an architecture where multiplication is fast?

c cpu-architecture

How is load->store reordering possible with in-order commit?

What is the difference between a physical and a logical qubit?

how to interpret perf iTLB-loads,iTLB-load-misses

Why isn't there a data bus which is as wide as the cache line size?

Are PUSH/POP instructions considered RISC or CISC?

What is a Partial Flag Stall?

x86 Program Counter abstracted from microarchitecture?

What is the Difference B/W TCB(Thread control block) & PCB(Process)

Instruction Pointer vs Program Counter?

Slow jmp-instruction

Is HyperThreading / SMT a flawed concept?

von neumann vs harvard architecture

Why INC and ADD 1 have different performances? [duplicate]

Difference b/w hyper threading and multithreading?

Can branch prediction cause illegal instruction?

Does a branch misprediction flush the entire pipeline, even for very short if-statement body?

Can we have a computer with just registers as memory? [closed]