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New posts in quantum-computing

What is a QBit and how soon can I get a quantum computer?


Quantum tic-tac-toe with alpha-beta pruning - best representation of states?

Quantum Fourier Transform code for 3 qbits

Why must the value of a qubit in quantum computing remain secret?


Can the difference between qubit and bit be explained with a simple code example?

Unable to create new Q# project using Microsoft Quantum Development Kit

Can I use lambda in Q# to operate on qubits?

Quantum Program The name 'BellTest' does not exist in the current context

c# quantum-computing q#

Solve ode in python with complex matrix as initial value

Turing complete and parallel programming (true concurrency)

Factoring a quantum state

What is the difference between a physical and a logical qubit?

Is it possible to use Q# to control my own quantum computer? [closed]

quantum-computing q#

Quantum Computing and Encryption Breaking

Is Haskell suitable for quantum computing?

haskell quantum-computing

Software simulation of a quantum computer

Does anyone know what "Quantum Computing" is?